"A nation drifting in declinecan turn to just and loving ways."
1 of 4 songs for when children are goingto their own groups or classes. Also see:"Although We Go Our Separate Ways", "BeforeWe Came To Church", "Upstairs, Downstairs".
"Thank you for cantata, reggae, jazz,songs of protest, symphonies of praise..."
"All that Christians have in lifeis a story and a song"
"A faithful woman left a tomb,with resurrection gospel."
An all-ages song with questionsabout God: who?... what?... where?...
An all-ages song about 'letting go' —a lesson learned by finding an injuredbird and setting it free once it was healed.
An All-ages song about the Bible,including how "some of the stories I readthere, for certain, have got to be odd!"
Based on John 8:58:"Before Abraham was, I am."
A peace carol — "O that we could knowwhat Christmas is meant to bring!"
"Show us, though we stumble,how to feel and care."
"How can we say that we’re all saints?— O that we could!"
(Original Swedish Text by Anders Frostenson)
(Original German Text by Schalom Ben-Chorin)
1 of 4 songs for when children are goingto their own groups or classes. Also see:"A House Has Different Rooms", "BeforeWe Came To Church", "Upstairs, Downstairs".
Carol for a dark night
(Original German Text: Leipzig, 1597) Also see "Companion Christ": a 3-verse version which omits "evening" references.
"We come uneasy, God, this festive seasonafraid that all may be just as before."
"called by the death of one we loved and needing health and grace"
"Let us serve Christ as long as there is time."
"...so it is with the Spirit of God"
"At the table of our God,all are welcomed and acclaimed."
"Guide me on the pilgrimagethat leads to truth and wholeness."
"God, use our faith and doubt,unite us, lead us out."
1 of 4 songs for when children are goingto their own groups or classes. Also see:"A House Has Different Rooms", "Although WeGo Our Separate Ways", "Upstairs, Downstairs".
"You are my beloved son; in you I am well-pleased"
(Original German Text by Dieter Trautwein)— on being united in love
A hymn for Habitat for Humanity
A Tongue-Twister for all ages!
"Deep the meaning of this hour; God draws close with healing power!"
Reflecting some of the Gospelreadings for Holy Week...
"Word for our time to unwrap and unfold"
"Come, holy challenger, changing the scene,moving the furniture where dust has been!"
For the New Year, Epiphany,and the universalizing of the Gospel...
"See a strange and gentle kingon a donkey travelling."
Affirming song of welcome commissionedby ONA of the United Church of Christ.
Seeking new images of creativity in learning...
(Original German Text: Leipzig, 1597)A 3-verse version of "An Evening Hymn",omitting the Verse 4 evening references.
A post-communion hymn or anthem
"When working in God's serviceleaves us feeling kind of low, there's a story in the Gospelthat restores a smiling glow."
"Rejoice in God who once upon a time (beforeall time!) took love to shape a dream..."
Daughter Mary... Mother Mary... Sister Mary...
"Dear Mother God..." "Dear Brother God...""Dear Sister God..." "Dear Father God..."
"...there is a common vision... song... story...telling Creation that we are one."
A song for celebration of a life
"Doom and danger Jesus knows,as with deep, determined love, care and courage hand in glove,to Jerusalem he goes."
Carol of dreams
"Take us by the hand and lead us,lead us through the desert sands,bring us living water.Holy Spirit, come."
"In every faith the Light, the Life, is shining, speaking."
'Today is the first day...'
Variation on 'Sanctus' (Holy, Holy, Holy)
"New song in an ancient land"
A song for celebrations of marriage
Celebrating the future's feast now...
For an ecumenical act of worship
A hymn about non-violence
From "Hold the Child Gently",a Christmas Cantata"
A harvest hymn of thanks-giving
"Laughter and love give us wholeness and health"
High Voice Version (Key of 'Eb')
Low Voice Version (Key of 'C')
Especially for Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Anzac Day, and similar occasions: "...as humbly we recall the lives of those who gave and give their all."
"Freedom is belonging, breaking bread, sharing words."
Psalm 8 — freely
An all-ages song about creation
Also known by it's first-line title: "Put Peace Into Each Other's Hands"."Hands Shaped like a Cradle" was Fred's preferred title.
"Our heritage of fields and herds demands our thankful praise."
"Teach us to care for people, for all — not just for some"
A Palm Sunday Festive Introit or Anthem
"the Word is with us, and the world is full of light and life"
Psalm 92 — freely
An all-ages song about seeking God
Psalm 23 — freely
"In freely acting love, my God, you set a people free..."
A Song or Anthem for Communion
A song about whitepoppies for peace
An all-ages song about Jesus in our lives.
A Transfiguration Hymn or Anthem
An all-ages song about Jesuswelcoming and teaching children
An all-ages song about Jesusas both teacher and friendThis version's vocal rangeis best when using choral parts.
An all-ages song about Jesusas both teacher and friend
This is the original keyboard key.Consider the 'Eb' version whenusing transposing instruments.
This is the suggested version whenusing transposing instruments.
An all-ages song about our responsibilityto bring out the best in others.
"Who is my mother?...Who is my brother?..."
Piano Arrangement by Ron Klusmeier
(Original German Text by J. A. Cramer)
A song for weddings and anniversaries
For times of Thanksgiving and Harvest,while crying for the plight of the hungry
A hymn on Abrahamic faith,"...why is your church so slow?"
For the baptism of a child (or children)
A song for helping childrenunderstand loss and grief
A song for Epiphany
(Original Dutch Text by Willem Barnard)
An all-ages 'call and response' song
Inspired by Rachel Carson's1962 book, 'Silent Spring'
THIS IS A COMPLETELY FREE TITLE!1. Click "Go to Song".2. Click "Click Here for Your Free Title".The "Stay with Us" song will be addedto your shopping cart priced at $0.00.3. Proceed to Checkout.4. Download the versions you can use.No download limits and no expiration.• a gift to the church from Ron & Walter
A song for life partners
"...no scrap of life so preciouswho is not born like Jesus..."
For Pentecost: A song of renewal
A hymn for the close of worship
"The Christmas Child is a troublesome child..."
This 'E' version is the original. When using transposinginstruments, consider the Eb version.
This 'Eb' version is especially helpfulwhen using transposing instruments.
Also see higher version in key of 'D'.
Also see lower version in key of 'C'.
"Womb water, tomb earth,Spirit groan, give new birth."
When using transposing instruments,consider the 'Bb' version (below).
This 'Bb' version is especially usefulwhen using transposing instruments.
"Honour those whose loving spirit nurses hope, restores and heals."