Song Circling All the Earth
• Original German Text by Wilhelm Willms
Music by Ron KlusmeierEnglish Translation by Fred Kaan

Lyrics as Poetry
Bread, feeding people’s hope,
joy, cheering human souls,
song, circling all the earth,
circling all the earth.
Shelter that keeps us safe,
ears, catching sounds of life,
song circling all the earth,
circling all the earth.Words, in the silence heard,
drink, quenching people’s thirst,
song, circling all the earth,
circling all the earth.
rain, chasing drought away,
child, showing us the way,
song, circling all the earth,
circling all the earth.Power, making bodies strong,
hands that help the weak along,
song, circling all the earth,
circling all the earth.
bread, that will multiply,
care, spent on humankind,
song, circling all the earth,
circling all the earth.
English Translation by
Fred KaanCopyright © 1975, 1995 by Hope Publishing Company
(Carol Stream, Illinois) for USA and CanadaCopyright © 1975, 1995 by Stainer & Bell Limited
(London, England) for all other territories
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Bread
- Celebration
- Human Relationships
- Intergenerational
- Justice, Human Rights
- Life∶ living life
- Music, Song
- Relationships∶ relationships with others
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Versions Available for This Title
Choral Anthem Arrangements
Choral Anthem: SATB Full Score
Choral Anthem: SATB Choral Parts
Melody Line Versions (includes transposing instruments)
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument or Vocal
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument 8va
Melody Line: Bass Clef 'C' Instrument
Melody Line: Alto Clef Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Bb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Eb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (high)
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (low)
Piano Versions
Piano: Hymn-style
Piano: Hymn-style, without lyrics
Easy Piano: Hymn-style
Easy Piano: Hymn-style, without lyrics
Guitar Chords & Bass Progressions
Guitar & Bass: Full chords in keyboard key
Guitar: Transposed capo chords
Easy Guitar: Basic chords
Comments About Song
Song Circling All the Earth was translated by Fred during and for the Fifth Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Nairobi, Kenya in 1975. In Nairobi, it was sung to a tune by Peter Janssens and his ‘Song Orchestra’. Fred sent the words to me shortly thereafter and I immediately created this melody and used it as the title for an LP produced by Praise Records. This pairing of words and music was first introduced to a world-wide audience in a BBC overseas broadcast, in the series “Reflections” in October 1980.
On the Canadian “Wind of Change” tour we did together in 2001, Fred introduced this song each evening by ‘sheepishly’ crediting me with “joining the ranks of text-writers” for the refrain I added to his verses. On that tour, we presented an incredible 49 concerts in 52 days! We were accompanied by vocalist Sheelah Megill, administrator Christina Bogucki, and Anthea Kaan. All five of us travelled together in a Jeep pulling an equipment trailer from the east coast of Nova Scotia to the west coast of Vancouver Island. What an adventure we had!