Who Sweeps the Stable When Christmas Is Over?
a servant song
Music by Ron KlusmeierWords by Shirley Erena Murray
Tune Name: HELIN

Lyrics as Poetry
Who sweeps the stable when Christmas is over,
who clears the table, the crumbs of the meal?
Practical people, compassionate people,
people not proud to take basin and kneel.
Who takes the load for the helpless and hurting,
who drives the road when the crisis is there?
People of spirit, compassionate people,
people with hands at the ready to care.
Who are the first to bring calm into chaos,
who tend the worst and restore what is best?
Heart-and-soul people, compassionate people,
saviours and servants, humanity’s test.
God, give us eyes for the needs of our neighbor,
God make us wise to the actions that bless,
being your servants and taking directions,
gladly and instantly answering “Yes!”
Words by
Shirley Erena MurrayCopyright © 2004 by Hope Publishing Company
Carol Stream, Illinois • USA
Audio Sample for
”Who Sweeps the Stable
When Christmas Is Over?”
Verse 1 sung by David Moddle
Scripture Reference
- James 2:14-17
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Commitment, Dedication
- Compassion
- Feast, Feasting
- Festive, Festival
- Food
- Heal, Healing
- Knowledge
- Pentecost
- Service, Serving
- Spirit
- Table
- Teacher, Teaching
- Thanksgiving∶ offering thanks
- Volunteers
- Wisdom
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Versions Available for This Title
Melody Line Versions (includes transposing instruments)
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument 8va
Melody Line: Bass Clef 'C' Instrument
Melody Line: Alto Clef Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Bb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Eb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (high)
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (low)
Hymn-style Vocal Harmonizations (accompany with any piano versions)
Hymn-style: SATB voices
Hymn-style: SAB voices
Piano Versions
Piano: Hymn-style
Piano: Hymn-style, without lyrics
Guitar Chords & Bass Progressions
Guitar & Bass: Full chords in keyboard key
Guitar: Transposed capo chords
Easy Guitar: Basic chords