There’s a Twinkle in God’s Eye
An all-ages song about creation
Music by Ron KlusmeierWords by Walter Farquharson
Tune Name: NOKOMIS

Lyrics as Poetry
Oh, the waters danced,
oh, the waters danced,
and the leaves danced on the trees,
and the leaves danced on the trees;
and God looked on the whole wide world
and then said, “I am pleased!”
Oh, the birds all sang,
oh, the birds all sang,
and the fish sang in the sea,
and the fish sang in the sea;
and God looked on the whole wide world
and then said, “I am pleased!”
Oh, the people dance,
oh, the people dance,
and the stars dance in the sky,
and the stars dance in the sky.
When looking on the whole wide world,
there’s a twinkle in God’s eye!
When looking on the whole wide world,
there’s a twinkle in God’s eye!
Words by
Walter FarquharsonCopyright © 1984 by Walter Farquharson
Administered by Hope Publishing Company
Carol Stream, Illinois • USA
Scripture References
- Genesis 1
- Psalm 67
- Psalm 148
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Celebration
- Creation
- Dance
- Earth, Earth Day
- God∶ nature of
- Intergenerational
- Tree, Trees
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Comments About Song
This is a simple song about creation and God’s love for all created things. Although we are part of God’s creation (gift enough in itself), we, unlike other forms of life, are also thinking, questioning, and rational beings who can be appreciators of the beauty given to us by God. We can marvel at the wonders of the universe, the miracles and mysteries of the human body, and the numerous scientific discoveries which continue to uncover the treasure with which God has entrusted us.
Too often our image of God is that of a stern judge, a disciplinary scorekeeper, or a spy. Certainly, none of these are positive images. We should be trying to offer a more inclusive understanding of God that encourages and reflects the love that is God. Our God is a lover of creation, and compassionately comes among us to share our pain, alienation, disappointments and losses in a caring and intimate way. Above all, our God is a healer and a resurrector who makes all things new again.
The last line of this song helps us to think of God as a laughing, creative artist who has crafted laughing and creative humans. We are encouraged to celebrate with God, to dance and sing with all creation!