Love Alone Unites Us
Music by Ron KlusmeierWords by Brian Wren

Lyrics as Poetry
Love alone unites us,
wakens and invites us.
Nothing else can root and ground us.
Habits of compliance,
dictates and defiance,
soon dispirit and confound us.
If by law
we keep score,
pride will soon divide us.
Love alone shall guide us!
Christ alone shall lead us,
love that kneels to feed us.
No-one else can safely rule us.
Power can ruin pastors,
servants turn to masters,
even saintliness can fool us.
Worldly games
love big names,
tyrants and crowd-pleasers.
Christ alone shall lead us!
Grace alone sustains us,
washes and ordains us.
Nothing else can work salvation.
Wealth and growth in numbers,
zeal in helping others,
lacking grace, become temptation.
May our faith
feel God’s breath,
freeing, pentecostal:
Grace alone is gospel.
Words by
Brian WrenCopyright © 1989 by Hope Publishing Company
(Carol Stream, Illinois) for USA,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand.Copyright © 1989 by Stainer & Bell Limited
(London, England) for all other territories
Audio Sample for
”Love Alone Unites Us”
One Verse played on piano
Scripture References
- Luke 22:24-27
- John 13:3-5
- John 17:20-21
- Ephesians 2:8
- Colossians 1:18
- 1 John 4:7-12
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Ash Wednesday
- Confession
- God∶ love of
- Grace
- Lent
- Love∶ God's
- Sin
- World
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Comments About Song
from his book “Piece Together Praise” (p 139):
Piece Together Praise
(A Theological Journey)
is co-published by:Hope Publishing Company
Carol Stream, IL USA
(for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand)Stainer & Bell, Limited
London, England
(for all other countries)