Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve just discovered your site and would like to use one of your selections this Sunday. Does my payment need to clear before I can download music?
NO. This entire site is based upon an honour system. As soon as you purchase a title or apply for a subscription, you will receive password access by auto-generated return email. If you are interested in the content which we make available, we trust that you will pay us.
Do subscribers pay extra to receive new music and arrangements when they're added to the website?
NO. Subscribers have full access to all music whether it was written 30 years ago or last night. New items are listed in “Additions & Updates”.
Do the subscriptions run for the calendar year?
NO. Your subscription anniversary is one year from its first billing date (14 days after your initial signup). Annual subscriptions are valid for twelve months from their first billing date and renew automatically. You may cancel at any time.
How in the world (pun intended) do you enforce copyright by putting your music on the internet?
From Ron: “As a global community, I believe we must move toward a very different form of commerce from the model in which we are currently trapped. Yes, it could be viewed as risky to offer music and poetry via the internet. Any system can be abused. However, I trust people to be honourable. If we cannot run a business based on trust within faith communities, where else could we ever hope to do so?”
Other licencing organizations we use clearly state that we may not produce copies of choral music for use as anthems. Does the Musiklus Subscription Service have the same restrictions?
NO. The Musiklus system is designed to include the anthem versions which may be downloaded and/or copied for choir members. This portion of our subscription service alone makes it worth the investment. After all, how far does $120 per year go when purchasing choral anthems?
Is it okay if I share our access code with another church in town? They really like Ron’s music, but they don’t have much money.
NO. Although it’s a generous gesture from your church, it would be far too costly for us if we permitted that option. We’re doing all we can to make the music as accessible as possible, but we must request that churches do not share their access code with other churches, schools or individuals. (Multi-point or yoked churches are an exception. See next question.)
I am part of a multi-point (yoked) pastoral charge which is comprised of three different congregations. Do I need to purchase a subscription for each one?
NO. Multi-point or yoked pastoral charges require only one subscription which can be used by each of the congregations.
How (and why!) does Musiklus know which music selections I’ve downloaded?
We have a reporting system in place which tracks the titles downloaded by each subscriber. This information provides the basis for us to pay a fair compensation to the authors of the words. The royalties that the authors receive is directly proportional to the number of each of their titles which are downloaded.
This tracking system also allows us to advise you of your history of downloads should you decide not to renew your subscription. You can then make informed choices about which items you may wish to purchase to keep in your library and which you will choose to destroy per our honour system.
For more information, see Musiklus Subscription Terms of Use and Subscription Non-renewal Process.
I am from Wisconsin and have noticed some repetitive typos on your site and in some of the song and hymn texts — words like honour, cheque, centre, humour, etc. Don’t you have spell-check?
YES, WE DO. However, while we serve the church worldwide, Musiklus is based in Canada. Many of the words which Ron sets to music have origins in commonwealth countries. One of the subtle differences between commonwealth countries and the USA is that some word spellings vary. In most cases, we have opted to retain the Canadian / British / New Zealand / etc. spellings if that is representative of the author’s homeland. Think of it as an easy way for folks in Wisconsin to sing hymns in a foreign language, eh?