Eternal Wisdom, Timely Friend
Music by Ron KlusmeierWords by Brian Wren
Lyrics as Poetry
Eternal Wisdom, timely Friend,
each cell, each self, reveals your art,
and we, the children of your heart,
upon your faithfulness depend.Within your boundless care and thought,
set free by your creative grace,
we marvel that you give us space
to grow, and move in ways untaught.We do not know if we alone can
know ourselves, the world, and you,
or if, in other spaces too,
awakened minds have flexed and grown.Your purpose, weaving dark and light,
as deep and restless as the sea,
is overcast with mystery,
and ranges far beyond our sight.We only know, from all we find in Christ,
that you will not forget the earth or us,
but keep us yet in love,
in being, and in mind.
Words by
Brian WrenCopyright © 1989 by Hope Publishing Company
(Carol Stream, Illinois) for USA,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand.Copyright © 1989 by Stainer & Bell Limited
(London, England) for all other territories
Audio Sample for
"Eternal Wisdom,
Timely Friend"
One verse played on piano
Scripture References
- Isaiah 45:7
- John 1:13
- 1 John 3:1-2
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Creation∶ gift of
- God∶ love of
- God∶ nature of
- Human Relationships
- Love∶ God's
- Mystery
- Relationships∶ relationships with others
- Trust
- World
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Versions Available for This Title
Melody Line Versions (includes transposing instruments)
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument or Vocal
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument 8va
Melody Line: Bass Clef 'C' Instrument
Melody Line: Alto Clef Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Bb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Eb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (high)
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (low)
Piano Versions
Hymn-style Vocal Harmonizations (accompany with any piano versions)
Hymn-style: SATB voices
Guitar Chords & Bass Progressions
Guitar & Bass: Full chords in keyboard key
Guitar: Transposed capo chords
Easy Guitar: Basic chords
Comments About Song
Author Brian Wren, from his book
“April 1989. To my brother Keith, written on his birthday, praising God and accepting our humble place in the universe, reacting against the arrogant belief that the human race is God’s only achievement or concern.”
Piece Together Praise
(A Theological Journey)
is co-published by:Hope Publishing Company
Carol Stream, IL USA
(for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand)Stainer & Bell, Limited
London, England
(for all other countries)