Musiklus Single Title and Individual
Version Purchases Terms of Use
- I agree not to share my user name or password, master copies or photocopies beyond the church, school, group or individual for which this music is licensed without written consent from Musiklus.
- I agree not to sell, rent, lease or loan music originally purchased from Musiklus to anyone beyond the church, school, group or individual which is the intended user of the purchased music.
Musiklus Subscription Terms of Use
- I agree not to share my user name or password, master copies, or photocopies beyond the church, school or group for which the license is intended without written consent from Musiklus.
- I agree to have a current, up-to-date subscription whenever using the music which has been downloaded from this site (with the exception of conditions covered by 3b, below).
- Should I decide not to renew this Subscription on its renewal date or cancel this Subscription at any time in the future, I agree that I will:a) destroy and/or dispose of all music printed from the website (including downloads, masters, photocopies or other reproductions) and delete all digital files;ORb) agree to buy out any music downloaded and/or copied which I wish to have remain in my music library. The buy out purchase price for each title is the Single Title price less a 60% Past Subscriber Discount. This is a one-time discount available only to Subscribers who are not renewing. The discount is valid for 30 days beyond the Subscription Renewal Date.c) follow the Subscription Non-Renewal Process as explained below, including completion of the Closure Form provided by MusiklusSettlement may be a combination of (a) and (b) above.
- I agree not to sell, rent, lease, or loan music which has originated from the Subscription Service to anyone outside of the church, school or group which is the intended user of this service.
Subscription Non-Renewal Process
Please read this page carefully.
Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time. On the Home Page, click on “Your Account”/”Profile”/”My Subscription”. A custom “Subscription Cancellation Form” is generated. This important step provides an opportunity for non-renewing subscribers to keep selected titles in their music library for future use.
Whenever music is downloaded, our system tracks the title, version and date. One reason is to allow us to fairly compensate the authors of the words. Another is to provide a solution for those who choose not to renew, but who wish to retain some of the music which was downloaded while they were a subscriber.
Those cancelling a subscription have two options in terms of how they may handle music which was downloaded while their account was active: 1) they can agree to dispose of the music, per our honour system or, 2) they can purchase the music and the right to copy it so it can remain in the music library.
The decision to dispose of music versus purchasing it is on a title-by-title basis. It is only necessary to purchase those titles which are of use to the subscriber.
All Single Titles on the site sell for the same price. However, if this Closing Transaction is completed within 30 days of the Subscription Renewal/Cancellation Date, a one-time coupon for a 60% discount is generated and applied to the purchase. This is our way of honouring the payments made during the subscription period.
This 60% discount applies only to Titles previously downloaded by the Subscriber prior to the Renewal / Cancellation Date. The discount expires after 30 days from the non-renewal date and does not extend to future purchases from the website.
Non-renewing Subscribers have download access to their purchased digital files for 30 days from the Subscription Renewal / Cancellation Date so that they can be sure to have hard-copy masters for future use. We recommend downloading and filing all relevant versions ASAP.
To assist in understanding the Subscription Cancellation System, we’ve compiled a three-step example below.
Subscribers who choose not to renew their subscription will only receive the Subscription Cancellation Form once. No follow ups or reminders are sent. Per this website’s Honour System, we simply trust people to do the right thing.