Prophets Give Us Hope
Music by Ron KlusmeierWords by Brian Wren
Tune Name: AIRDRIE

Lyrics as Poetry
Prophets give us hope.
They thirst for truth and right,
and feel the pain
of all discarded people,
crushed, ignored, oppressed.
They give and get no rest,
but stand against the powers-that-be
as signposts of integrity,
to point the way, and give us light.
Prophets give us truth.
They come too close to home,
and show our wordy faith
where love would take us,
if we dared to go.
We do not want to know,
yet still they call us to decide,
to banish them, or take their side,
and set our sights on Christ alone.
Prophets give us life.
Alone yet not apart,
their quirks and failings
make them very human,
sinners, yet forgiven.
They are the Spirit’s leaven,
that makes our aspirations rise,
then gives, unknowing as it dies,
a taste of hope, a singing heart.
Words by
Brian WrenCopyright © 1983 by Hope Publishing Company
(Carol Stream, Illinois) for USA,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Copyright © 1983 by Stainer & Bell Limited
(London, England) for all other territories
Scripture References
- Amos 7:10-17
- Matthew 5:6
- Matthew 6:39
- Matthew 13:33
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Advent∶Themes∶ hope
- Advent∶ Year 'A'∶ Advent 2
- Advent∶ Year 'B'∶ Advent 2
- Advent∶ Year 'C'∶ Advent 2
- Gifts & Talents
- Hope
- Human Relationships
- Jeremiah
- Justice, Human Rights
- Promise
- Prophets, Prophecy
- Relationships∶ relationships with others
- Renewal
- Spirit
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Versions Available for This Title
Melody Line Versions (includes transposing instruments)
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument or Vocal
Melody Line: 'C' Instrument 8va
Melody Line: Bass Clef 'C' Instrument
Melody Line: Alto Clef Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Bb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘Eb’ Instrument
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (high)
Melody Line: ‘F’ Instrument (low)