Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
A tentative hymn to/about Mary
Music by Ron KlusmeierWords by Fred Kaan

Lyrics as Poetry
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
rebel, giving ear to God,
earth soprano, singing freedom:
Zion’s song in ‘yes’ and blood;earmarked Mary, world affirming,
in compliance giving birth,
your defiance gave us Jesus,
Word among us, run to earth.Mary, mouthpiece of God’s people,
Sister Chosen, giving voice,
Ave Mary, Eve of Easter,
Bibi Maryam, Sister Choice;Mary/Miriam, ever bearing
life as hope for all to share,
make us, women, men and children
as expectant as you are!
Words by
Fred KaanCopyright © 1999 by Hope Publishing Company
(Carol Stream, Illinois) for USA and CanadaCopyright © 1999 by Stainer & Bell Limited
(London, England) for all other territories
Season, Theme
or Subject
- Advent∶ Year 'A'∶ Advent 4
- Advent∶ Year 'B'∶ Advent 4
- Eve
- Mary (mother of Jesus)
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Comments About Song
Author Fred Kaan, from his book
THE ONLY EARTH WE KNOW (page 14, 15):
“In 1994 I was invited to write a Hymn to Mary for a local ecumenical hymnbook supplement. My first reaction was: ‘What! Me? One of Calvin’s boys?’ Then I thought again and…
this is the result.”
In addition to the text itself, Fred wrote quite an amazing group of footnotes for this title. It was his preference that the footnotes should always be printed with the hymn.
In “The Only Earth We Know”, the footnotes take up an entire page. I chose to include the (“rather elaborate”) footnotes as part of the anthem version, so they could be read as kind of a narration accompanying the singing.
The footnotes can also be found as a separate file titled “Narration” under the category of “Miscellaneous”. RK
The Only Earth We Know
(Hymn Texts by Fred Kaan)
is co-published by:Hope Publishing Company
Carol Stream, IL USA
(for USA and Canada)Stainer & Bell, Limited
London, England
(for all other countries)