"A faithful woman left a tomb,with resurrection gospel."
An all-ages song with questionsabout God: who?... what?... where?...
An all-ages song about 'letting go' —a lesson learned by finding an injuredbird and setting it free once it was healed.
(Original Swedish Text by Anders Frostenson)
For the New Year, Epiphany,and the universalizing of the Gospel...
"See a strange and gentle kingon a donkey travelling."
A song for celebration of a life
Variation on 'Sanctus' (Holy, Holy, Holy)
"New song in an ancient land"
From "Hold the Child Gently",a Christmas Cantata"
"Laughter and love give us wholeness and health"
Especially for Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Anzac Day, and similar occasions: "...as humbly we recall the lives of those who gave and give their all."
Psalm 8 — freely
An all-ages song about creation
Also known by it's first-line title: "Put Peace Into Each Other's Hands"."Hands Shaped like a Cradle" was Fred's preferred title.
"Our heritage of fields and herds demands our thankful praise."
Psalm 92 — freely
Psalm 23 — freely
"In freely acting love, my God, you set a people free..."
A Song or Anthem for Communion
A song about whitepoppies for peace
An all-ages song about Jesus in our lives.
This is the original keyboard key.Consider the 'Eb' version whenusing transposing instruments.
This is the suggested version whenusing transposing instruments.
A song for helping childrenunderstand loss and grief
An all-ages 'call and response' song
Inspired by Rachel Carson's1962 book, 'Silent Spring'
THIS IS A COMPLETELY FREE TITLE!1. Click "Go to Song".2. Click "Click Here for Your Free Title".The "Stay with Us" song will be addedto your shopping cart priced at $0.00.3. Proceed to Checkout.4. Download the versions you can use.No download limits and no expiration.• a gift to the church from Ron & Walter
For Pentecost: A song of renewal
Also see higher version in key of 'D'.
Also see lower version in key of 'C'.