"All that Christians have in lifeis a story and a song"
A peace carol — "O that we could knowwhat Christmas is meant to bring!"
Carol for a dark night
"We come uneasy, God, this festive seasonafraid that all may be just as before."
"Guide me on the pilgrimagethat leads to truth and wholeness."
"God, use our faith and doubt,unite us, lead us out."
(Original German Text by Dieter Trautwein)— on being united in love
"Word for our time to unwrap and unfold"
For the New Year, Epiphany,and the universalizing of the Gospel...
"When working in God's serviceleaves us feeling kind of low, there's a story in the Gospelthat restores a smiling glow."
"Rejoice in God who once upon a time (beforeall time!) took love to shape a dream..."
Carol of dreams
Piano Arrangement by David Kai
For an ecumenical act of worship
A harvest hymn of thanks-giving
High Voice Version (Key of 'Eb')
Low Voice Version (Key of 'C')
(Original Dutch Text by Willem Barnard)
Also see higher version in key of 'D'.
Also see lower version in key of 'C'.
"Womb water, tomb earth,Spirit groan, give new birth."