"Thank you for cantata, reggae, jazz,songs of protest, symphonies of praise..."
A peace carol — "O that we could knowwhat Christmas is meant to bring!"
(Original Swedish Text by Anders Frostenson)
"You are my beloved son; in you I am well-pleased"
"...there is a common vision... song... story...telling Creation that we are one."
Variation on 'Sanctus' (Holy, Holy, Holy)
"New song in an ancient land"
A harvest hymn of thanks-giving
High Voice Version (Key of 'Eb')
Low Voice Version (Key of 'C')
An all-ages song about creation
"Our heritage of fields and herds demands our thankful praise."
"the Word is with us, and the world is full of light and life"
"In freely acting love, my God, you set a people free..."
This is the original keyboard key.Consider the 'Eb' version whenusing transposing instruments.
This is the suggested version whenusing transposing instruments.
A song for weddings and anniversaries
For times of Thanksgiving and Harvest,while crying for the plight of the hungry
Inspired by Rachel Carson's1962 book, 'Silent Spring'
A hymn for the close of worship
"Womb water, tomb earth,Spirit groan, give new birth."