"Rejoice in God who once upon a time (beforeall time!) took love to shape a dream..."
"In every faith the Light, the Life, is shining, speaking."
A song for celebrations of marriage
For an ecumenical act of worship
"Laughter and love give us wholeness and health"
High Voice Version (Key of 'Eb')
Low Voice Version (Key of 'C')
"Freedom is belonging, breaking bread, sharing words."
Also known by it's first-line title: "Put Peace Into Each Other's Hands"."Hands Shaped like a Cradle" was Fred's preferred title.
"Teach us to care for people, for all — not just for some"
"Who is my mother?...Who is my brother?..."
A song for weddings and anniversaries
"Honour those whose loving spirit nurses hope, restores and heals."