"All that Christians have in lifeis a story and a song"
An All-ages song about the Bible,including how "some of the stories I readthere, for certain, have got to be odd!"
"Show us, though we stumble,how to feel and care."
(Original German Text: Leipzig, 1597) Also see "Companion Christ": a 3-verse version which omits "evening" references.
"God, use our faith and doubt,unite us, lead us out."
(Original German Text by Dieter Trautwein)— on being united in love
A hymn for Habitat for Humanity
"Word for our time to unwrap and unfold"
(Original German Text: Leipzig, 1597)A 3-verse version of "An Evening Hymn",omitting the Verse 4 evening references.
"Rejoice in God who once upon a time (beforeall time!) took love to shape a dream..."
"In every faith the Light, the Life, is shining, speaking."
"New song in an ancient land"
For an ecumenical act of worship
High Voice Version (Key of 'Eb')
Low Voice Version (Key of 'C')
Psalm 23 — freely
A hymn on Abrahamic faith,"...why is your church so slow?"
Also see higher version in key of 'D'.
Also see lower version in key of 'C'.