"A nation drifting in declinecan turn to just and loving ways."
A peace carol — "O that we could knowwhat Christmas is meant to bring!"
Carol for a dark night
"...so it is with the Spirit of God"
"Guide me on the pilgrimagethat leads to truth and wholeness."
(Original German Text by Dieter Trautwein)— on being united in love
"...there is a common vision... song... story...telling Creation that we are one."
Carol of dreams
"In every faith the Light, the Life, is shining, speaking."
"New song in an ancient land"
A hymn about non-violence
Especially for Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Anzac Day, and similar occasions: "...as humbly we recall the lives of those who gave and give their all."
Also known by it's first-line title: "Put Peace Into Each Other's Hands"."Hands Shaped like a Cradle" was Fred's preferred title.
A song about whitepoppies for peace
For times of Thanksgiving and Harvest,while crying for the plight of the hungry
A song for Epiphany
When using transposing instruments,consider the 'Bb' version (below).
This 'Bb' version is especially usefulwhen using transposing instruments.