"Come, holy challenger, changing the scene,moving the furniture where dust has been!"
Seeking new images of creativity in learning...
"When working in God's serviceleaves us feeling kind of low, there's a story in the Gospelthat restores a smiling glow."
An all-ages song about seeking God
"In freely acting love, my God, you set a people free..."
An all-ages song about Jesus in our lives.
This is the original keyboard key.Consider the 'Eb' version whenusing transposing instruments.
This is the suggested version whenusing transposing instruments.
An all-ages 'call and response' song
THIS IS A COMPLETELY FREE TITLE!1. Click "Go to Song".2. Click "Click Here for Your Free Title".The "Stay with Us" song will be addedto your shopping cart priced at $0.00.3. Proceed to Checkout.4. Download the versions you can use.No download limits and no expiration.• a gift to the church from Ron & Walter