An all-ages song about 'letting go' —a lesson learned by finding an injuredbird and setting it free once it was healed.
A peace carol — "O that we could knowwhat Christmas is meant to bring!"
" it is with the Spirit of God"
Reflecting some of the Gospelreadings for Holy Week...
"Word for our time to unwrap and unfold"
Seeking new images of creativity in learning...
"...there is a common vision... song... story...telling Creation that we are one."
"Doom and danger Jesus knows,as with deep, determined love, care and courage hand in glove,to Jerusalem he goes."
" scrap of life so preciouswho is not born like Jesus..."
This 'E' version is the original. When using transposinginstruments, consider the Eb version.
This 'Eb' version is especially helpfulwhen using transposing instruments.
"Honour those whose loving spirit nurses hope, restores and heals."