"A faithful woman left a tomb,with resurrection gospel."
1 of 4 songs for when children are goingto their own groups or classes. Also see:"A House Has Different Rooms", "BeforeWe Came To Church", "Upstairs, Downstairs".
(Original Swedish Text by Anders Frostenson)
'Today is the first day...'
"the Word is with us, and the world is full of light and life"
THIS IS A COMPLETELY FREE TITLE!1. Click "Go to Song".2. Click "Click Here for Your Free Title".The "Stay with Us" song will be addedto your shopping cart priced at $0.00.3. Proceed to Checkout.4. Download the versions you can use.No download limits and no expiration.• a gift to the church from Ron & Walter
This 'E' version is the original. When using transposinginstruments, consider the Eb version.
This 'Eb' version is especially helpfulwhen using transposing instruments.