Easy Piano: Hymn-style

IN GENERAL: “Hymn-style” means that the accompaniment is identical for all verses. The various Hymn-style Accompaniments are compatible with all “Hymn-style Vocal Harmonization” versions and “Instrumental Melody Line” versions which is useful for assembling custom arrangements.

  • Especially accessible for students and for
    adults with basic keyboard skills.
  • 2-stave systems, larger print, basic notation.
  • Every measure is numbered for rehearsal
    convenience when accompanying any of the
    Hymn-style Vocal Harmony versions.

• Invite piano students to use this version to
  contribute Preludes, Offertories, etc.

• Engage students by combining this Easy Piano
  version (played 8va or 16va) with the regular
  “Hymn-style Piano Accompaniment” version as a
  Prelude or Offertory for four hands.
• Suggest that piano students use these versions
  to augment their personal musical studies.

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