New video for June 27
On Sunday, June 27, the gospel reading from Mark 5 is the wonderfully complex weaving together of two healing stories: the woman with the flow of blood and the daughter of Jairus. We’ve just completed a video version of “The Daughter of Jairus” which features a beautiful solo by Sheelah Megill accompanied by Ron on piano with video design by Christina.
For those who are providing online worship services, this may be a resource you’d like to consider. We use Vimeo for making our videos available so that there are no ads. All of our Vimeo resources are free to use. We simply request that you report usage to your OneLicense and/or CCLI streaming accounts. If you don’t have either of those accounts, you may still use the video… but you really should consider signing on with one or both of them!
The link to the video is: