In Isolation: April 21, “As Children of Your Love”
An introduction to this “In Isolation” blog series appears at the top of the March 22 post.
A simple message from the heart today:
As a prayer for all who are grieving the tragic and senseless losses in Nova Scotia, today I simply offer Walter’s words from a hymn we wrote together more than 45 years ago. “As Children of Your Love” contains a compassionate line of assurance: “We face no grief alone.” For those families and friends who cannot gather to share a physical space as community, we offer this prayer, underlined by Walter’s comments on the site as part of “As Children of Your Love”.
As children of your love, O God,
we gather in this place.
Called by the death of one[s] we loved
and needing health and grace.
For life’s good gifts we give you thanks,
our loves we celebrate.
Accept us in this time of pain,
new purpose we await.
To tender love and healing heart,
to Christ our hope we’re drawn.
We find there grows within our souls
strong grace and life’s new dawn.
In life, in death, we’re held in love.
We face no grief alone.
This mystery claims our hearts and minds,
this love through Jesus shown.
In love we hold the time that’s past,
in trusting hope we share.
Each day, each breath, each other here
we hold in God’s own care.
The one who leads the dance of life
still guides us on our way.
Let praise be given the God of love!
Let thanks be sung this day!
Words Copyright © 1973 by Walter Farquharson.
Administered by Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, Illinois • USA