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In Isolation: March 24, 2020, “Let Our Earth Be Peaceful”

An introduction to this “In Isolation” blog series appears at the top of the March 22 post.

Shirley Murray wrote these words in response to being asked to write something “short and hopeful” that could be used as part of a prayer liturgy. She suggested that the words could be sung one verse at a time with spoken intercessions between each one while the melody is played softly. This simple text calls us to be hope-filled, mindful and grateful.

Most songs currently on my website contain an audio sample which is usually a verse or two played on piano. The audio sample for “Let Our Earth Be Peaceful”, however, includes two of the three verses and is sung by David Moddle ( Although the second verse isn’t included in the sample, you might wish to consider using this audio file as a quiet moment for meditation.


Let our earth be peaceful,
let our hearts be hopeful,
let our hands be gentle
for the love of God.

Let our ways be mindful,
mending what is hurtful,
doing what is needful
for the love of God.

Let our lives be fruitful,
beautiful and playful,
every day be thankful
for the love of God.

Words by Shirley Erena Murray
Copyright © 2006 by Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, Illinois • USA